Understand Horizon Consulting
Horizon Consulting is a dynamic and forward-thinking company headquartered in Singapore.

Founded in 2021, Horizon Consulting focuses on providing cutting-edge expertise and strategic guidance in the field of political economy and international relations. As a young company, we bring a fresh perspective and innovative solutions to help our clients navigate the changing global landscape.
  • Working hours:9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Location:637 Veerasamy Road #02-107,Singapore 200637
  • Email:[email protected]
  • Phone:+65 6333 5363

Our Commitment to Excellence

We are committed to excellence in everything we do. Our team of seasoned professionals, with diverse backgrounds and deep expertise in political economy and international relations, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to every client engagement.

Collaborative Partnerships

We believe that the best outcomes are achieved through collaborative efforts and open dialogue.We take the time to truly understand our clients' unique needs, challenges, and aspirations, allowing us to tailor our services to their specific requirements.By forging strong partnerships, we create an environment of trust and mutual growth.

Our Approach

We combine academic rigor with real-world insights, providing practical recommendations that drive tangible results.Whether it's conducting in-depth policy analysis, assessing geopolitical risks, or developing tailored strategies, we strive to deliver actionable solutions that empower our clients to make informed decisions.